Hogar /


American Society for Testing and Materials


ASTM F2892-18

Performance Requirements for Soft Toe Protective Footwear


ASTM F2892 covers protective footwear that DOES NOT provide toe protection.



With the exception of Impact, Compression and Metatarsal protection; the requirements and

principles specified in ASTM F2413/F2412 apply. The specification contains requirements to

evaluate for the following: Cd, EH, SD 100, SD 35, SD 10, and PR – the footwear must have at least one of these safety features.



One half pair shall be clearly and legibly labeled in letters and numbers not less than 0.125 inches (3.175mm) high. The identification shall be a stitched-in, stamped or otherwise durably labelled. The identification should be enclosed in an oval border and placed on the inside or outside surface of the tongue, gusset, shaft or quarter lining.

A specific 2 line format is specified for the label

Line One – ASTM F2892-18

18 signifies the year of the standard – 2018 being the most up-to-date version

Line Two – is used to reference the protective properties provided and they should appear in the order that they appear in the standard and this handbook. Cd, EH, SD 100 (35 or 10), PR.

Letters and numbers must be at least 3.175 mm (0.125in.) tall